Register Now for the 2024 20th Annual Orthopaedic Update Conference


Calling all allied orthopaedic professionals! The 2024 20th Annual Orthopaedic Update Conference returns soon, happening on Saturday, August 24, 2024, at the Rosen Centre Hotel in Orlando.  This one-day event provides allied healthcare professionals with [...]

Register Now for the 2024 20th Annual Orthopaedic Update Conference2024-08-29T10:03:01-04:00

The Length of Knee Replacement Surgery: Examine the Types and Things to Consider


Are you considering knee replacement surgery? Every year in the United States, around 790,000 total knee replacements are performed. One of the main concerns is the length of surgery and recovery. On average, knee [...]

The Length of Knee Replacement Surgery: Examine the Types and Things to Consider2024-06-12T15:39:54-04:00

Comprehensive Workplace Safety: Your Checklist for Employee Health and Musculoskeletal Care


Workplace safety is the cornerstone of a thriving and responsible organization. Beyond meeting legal requirements, it is a commitment to the well-being of your most valuable asset – your employees. In this blog, we explore [...]

Comprehensive Workplace Safety: Your Checklist for Employee Health and Musculoskeletal Care2024-06-19T09:13:29-04:00

Protecting Young Athletes from Common Sports Injuries


Approximately one-third of childhood injuries are sports-related. As parents and coaches, we want our young athletes to excel in their chosen sports while minimizing the risk of injuries. Fortunately, there are many ways to prevent [...]

Protecting Young Athletes from Common Sports Injuries2024-06-05T14:09:00-04:00

Reducing Injury Costs and Accelerating Employee Return-to-Work


Injuries in the workplace can be a significant burden on both employees and employers. Not only do they impact the physical well-being of the individuals involved, but they also have a considerable financial impact. The [...]

Reducing Injury Costs and Accelerating Employee Return-to-Work2024-06-05T10:05:23-04:00