Outpatient Surgery Center

45 W. Crystal Lake Street
Suite 300
Orlando, Florida 32806
(407) 254-2549
Surgical Specialties offered at our Outpatient Surgery Center:
Orlando Orthopaedic Outpatient Surgery Center is a multi-specialty surgery center with 6 operating rooms.
We will file your insurance for you for the coverage of the routine equipment and supplies, preprocedural services, routine drugs and anesthetics administered while in the Center, procedural room time and recovery charges.
Standard outpatient procedures are generally covered by your medical insurance. You may be asked for a partial payment upon admission to the center, dependent upon your insurance coverage. We make every effort to advise you of this amount prior to your admission. Full payment for the deductible and co-pay, if applicable, is required upon admission.
- Medicaid patients must have a current, valid Medicaid card with them at time of admission
- VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Discover and CareCredit are accepted
- We also accept personal checks, cash, cashier’s checks and money orders
You will be billed separately for services from your physician, anesthesiologist, pathologist or any other laboratory service received.
Below are some important forms for you to download that you will need to print and bring with you the day of your procedure.
- Notice of Privacy Practices
- Patient Bill of Rights
- Health Care Advance Directives and Disclosure of Ownership
Note: To view or print these forms, you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Click here to download it.
- DO NOT EAT OR DRINK ANYTHING AFTER MIDNIGHT BEFORE YOUR PROCEDURE. This is vitally important, and failure to comply could result in complications and may result in postponement of your procedure. If your child is having surgery, please be sure you follow the specific instructions provided by nursing personnel at the time of your pre-procedure phone call. If your child is an infant, our anesthesiologist may have additional instructions for you.
- If you or your child is taking medications for high blood pressure or diabetes, contact your surgeon or discuss this with one of our nursing staff to ensure proper instructions to take or discontinue the medication.
- If you experience any health changes between your recent visit to your doctor and the day of your procedure, notify your doctor. Please report even minor changes such as an elevated temperature, cough or cold.
- If you suspect that you are pregnant, please notify your doctor.
- For your own safety and protection, you will not be allowed to drive a motor vehicle following your procedure. Please make arrangements to have someone bring you and escort you home from the Center. Parents may want to have an additional adult to assist in accompanying a child home.
- Bathe or shower and brush your teeth the morning of your procedure. Mascara, make-up, lipstick, nail polish and contact lenses should be removed.
- Dress comfortably. Tight-fitting clothing may feel restrictive following some procedures. You may also want to dress warmly due to the cooler temperatures maintained in the surgery center.
- Please leave all valuables at home including jewelry, wallets and purses – BUT DON’T FORGET YOUR INSURANCE CARD(S) AND PROOF OF IDENTIFICATION!
- Limit the number of people accompanying you. We request only one to maximize the comfort of everyone waiting. Both parents of our pediatric patients are welcome.
Plan to have someone stay with you for 24 hours following your procedure, and pamper yourself during this time.
Since it is normal to feel drowsy after receiving anesthetic medications, we also recommend that you postpone the following activities for 24 hours after discharge:
- Driving and operating equipment
- Signing important papers
- Making significant decisions
- Drinking alcoholic beverages