Continuing Education
The Orlando Orthopaedic Center Foundation regularly provides continuing education opportunities to allied healthcare professionals by hosting live and on-demand educational events throughout the year.
Each continuing education option helps allied healthcare professionals stay up-to-date with the leading edge clinical techniques to prevent and treat orthopaedic injuries.

In-Person Conferences
Each year the Foundation presents two sports medicine and orthopaedic education conferences. The Annual Cutting Edge Sports Medicine Conference in February and the Annual Orthopaedic Update Conference in August provide up-to-date information and education on orthopaedics and sports medicine topics.
Combined, the one-day events welcome more than 1,300 attendees annually with many eligible to earn affordable continuing education units (CEUs). During the Cutting Edge Sports Medicine Conference, a $2,500 check is donated to UCF’s Student Physical Therapy Association (SPTA). For the Orthopaedic Update Conference, a $2,500 check is awarded annually to the UCF Student Athletic Trainers’ Organization (SATO).
The remaining proceeds of the events go toward the Orlando Orthopaedic Center Foundation’s Give Kids Sports initiative helping underserved children participate in quality youth sports programs that foster sportsmanship, confidence, discipline, teamwork and injury prevention.
On-Demand Home Study Courses
Ongoing education opportunities for allied healthcare professionals are available with the click of a button thanks to the Foundation’s On-Demand Home Study Courses.
Designed to be viewed on any device, the on-demand courses make leading-edge education affordable, available and accessible to those that need it most in order to improve the quality of care given to athletes of all ages.
Courses vary in length and CEUs are dependent on the user’s professional affiliation.