2018 14th Annual Orthopaedic Update for Allied Healthcare Professions Seminar


This program focuses on evidence based practices for use of the latest technology and surgical procedures used to treat orthopaedic conditions associated with musculoskeletal trauma of the great toe, lumbar spine and both upper and lower extremities. It includes a brief overview of the related anatomy, as well as rehabilitation considerations for non-operative treatment options and post-surgical therapy protocols. The science of regenerative medicine will be discussed as well as evidence based rehabilitation approaches of upper extremity compressive neuropathies. Plus, how robotic arms are used as a surgical technique for arthroplasty patients, in addition to modern surgical approaches for fixing lumbar spine pathologies will be presented. Program content is designed to assist healthcare providers with acquiring the skills and knowledge to provide quality care and improve patient outcomes.

Online Registration Form

August 4, 2018 | Rosen Centre Hotel | 7:00 a.m.

Online registration is now closed. You may register the day of the event at the Rosen Centre Hotel beginning at 7:00 a.m.

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