2017 13th Annual Cutting Edge Concepts in Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine
Online Registration Form
February 4, 2017 | Rosen Centre Hotel | 7:00 a.m.
Unfortunately, online registration is now closed due to space constraints at the Rosen Centre Hotel. We apologize for any inconvenience.
If you would still like to attend the seminar, there will be a small number of on-site registrations available starting at 7:00 a.m. on Saturday, February 4, 2017.
Questions and comments should be directed to AReber@OrlandoOrtho.com or 407.254.2501.
Deadline for early registration is midnight Monday, January 30, 2017 (mail in registration must be received by this date). Register by either printing out the registration form and mailing it with payment OR register by using the form found on this page. Please complete the entire form to receive proper continuing education credits. Questions? Call 407.254.2501 or email Andy Reber.

Please consider donating new or gently used sporting equipment the day of the seminar for Orange and Seminole children in need.
A $60 ($95 for MD, DO & PA, $35 for students [no CEUs given for students]) registration fee covers the program, continuing education credits, and lunch. All proceeds will benefit the 501 (c)(3) nonprofit Orlando Orthopaedic Center Foundation. Please make checks payable to Orlando Orthopaedic Center Foundation. Registration received after midnight January 30 is $80 ($115 for MD, DO & PA). On-site registration can not guarantee food selection.

Please consider donating new or gently used sporting equipment the day of the seminar for Orange and Seminole children in need.
To keep cost down & save trees we will not be printing a program manual for this seminar. We will send out an e-blast after the seminar is over with a link to a digital copy of the program. A small program agenda and evaluation form will be handed out at no additional cost.

Please consider donating new or gently used sporting equipment the day of the seminar for Orange and Seminole children in need.
The seminar is intended for:
- Physical Therapists/Physical Therapists Assts.
- Physician Assistants
- Occupational Therapists
- Certified Athletic Trainers
- Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioners
- Occupational Therapists
- Occupational Therapist Assts.
- Physician Assistants
- Registered Nurses
- Allied Healthcare Professionals

Please consider donating new or gently used sporting equipment the day of the seminar for Orange and Seminole children in need.